Red Patch F1
This variety produces deep red attractive bulbs with a strong pungent smell and has a shelf life of up to 6 months. It has the ability to give all sizes depending on spacing and enjoys a huge market demand. It is resistant to Downy Mildew A and Purple Blotch. It has a very early seedling establishment of just 30 days instead of the usual 60. It is also high yielding producing up to 75 tonnes per hectare.
Red Creole
*This standard open pollinated red bulb onion variety with a strong pungent smell performs well in warm climatic conditions. It has the ability to give all the sizes depending on the spacing and has a shelf life of up to 6 months which explains why it has a high market demand. It is resistant to Mildew A and Purple Blotch. It matures in 120 days with a yield potential of 16 tonnes per acre.